News archive
Environmentally friendly mobility
Research results from Switzerland on sustainable mobility behaviour
Switzerland is regarded as exemplary in terms of “multi-optional traffic behaviour” and that means that many people already rely on an environmentally friendly transport mix. The flexible combination...
Tipping points in ecosystems
Measures to preserve the savannas in Southern Africa
The savannas in Namibia are among the driest regions on earth. As grazing land they are of great importance for livestock and game. However, changing climatic conditions and increasing intensity of...
Major ‘Fridays for Future’ demonstration on 20 September 2019
ISOE supports the ‘Global Week of Climate Action’
For months now, young people have been striking for proper climate protection and a future without a climate in crisis under the motto #FridaysForFuture. On Friday, 20 September, when the Federal...
TransImpact: Project results
When multifaceted knowledge is required: Quality standards for transdisciplinary research
To solve complex social problems, the knowledge of many different scientific disciplines is required. Moreover, if scientific knowledge is to produce effective results for practice, research must also...
Expansion of waste and recycling management
ISOE founding member of the Waste Alliance PREVENT
On 9 May, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller founded the international waste alliance PREVENT together with over 30 organizations from business, politics, civil...
Plastic waste in the world’s oceans
Paradise lost? – PlastX Case Study on Hotspot Region Vietnam
More and more waste is being discharged into the world’s oceans. They not only originate from shipping and fishing, but also find their way via rivers into the seas and oceans or are carried directly...
Darmstädter Tage der Transformation
Knowledge communication for sustainable development
Research and science play a central role in shaping social change processes. Thus, the questions of what kind of knowledge is necessary to shape transformation processes and how this knowledge is...