Sustainability Management at ISOE

ISOE’s focus on sustainable development does not only apply to research, teaching and transfer. It also applies to the institute itself: We record and evaluate the environmental impacts and the social dimension of our work with the aim of continuously reducing our “social-ecological” footprint. In our daily work at the institute, we are therefore guided by the ISOE Guideline for Sustainable Business Practices. This guideline is supplemented by thematic guidelines on mobility and procurement. In order to achieve the goals set, ISOE relies on the active participation of all employees with their respective specialist skills. 

In addition to technical measures that enable us to save considerable resources, such as our lighting concept or environmentally friendly material procurement, we also focus intensively on social indicators. More detailed information on our activities and our sustainability management can always be found in a short version as part of the annual institute report.

Our sustainability management includes the following central areas:

Our Networks 

Not only the internal, but also the external exchange of experience contributes to successful sustainability management. Here, our participation in a working group that is dealing with sustainability management within the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) as well as our membership in the Ökoprofit-Klub Frankfurt are particularly noteworthy. As a member of the Ökoprofit-Klub RheinMain, we successfully strive to be recognized as an Ökoprofit company every year. 

Sustainability reporting

ISOE published its first Sustainability Report in 2016, which was updated with the Sustainability Report 2018/2019: For the second time, the report takes stock of ISOE's sustainability management in detail. The annual institute report contains a summary of the current status of the data and indicators for each year. The publication of a sustainability report for the period 2020-2025 is planned for fall 2024.


    IT, Organisation, Sustainability management
    +49 69 7076919-15