Apl. Prof. Dr. Diana Hummel
+49 69 7076919-33
+49 69 7076919-11
Diana Hummel has been a research scientist at ISOE since 2002 and was a member of the institute's executive board from April 2014 to March 2023. Prior to that, she was head of the research unit Biodiversity and People. She is the coordinator for Academic Teaching and Qualification of Young Scientists as well as for ISOE's research program.
Diana Hummel is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Political Science. She studied education, psychology and social sciences at the University of Frankfurt am Main, where in 1999 she wrote her dissertation on "The Population Discourse. Demographic Knowledge and Political Power." She completed her habilitation at the same department in 2009 on "The Supply of Population - Studies on Population Dynamics and Transformation of Supply Systems."
Focus of research
- Normative aspects and conflicts in the field of biodiversity
- Human population dynamics and social-ecological transformations
- Gender and environment
- Cornelia Goethe Center for Women’s and Gender Studies
- IUSSP – International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
- Population-Environment Research Network (PERN)
- Associated member of DKN Future Earth (2015–17)
- Biodiversity and Climate: Socio-ecological Biodiversity Research
- Conflicts over the forest of the future
- NormA – Normative Conflicts in the Field of Biodiversity
- RobustNature – Robustness of Nature-Society Systems in the Anthropocene
- SoCoDES – Social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services
- SoCuLa – Socio-cultural Drivers of Biodiversity Change in Germany
- demons – Supplying the Population
- DINA – Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas
- FlutNetz – Improving access to medical emergency care during flood disasters in Bangladesh
- Gender equality as a contribution to successful climate policy
- IMAGINE – Integrated Management of Green Infrastructure
- Cognitive integration and innovation
- MediPlanB – Effects of indigenous medicinal plants on health and biodiversity
- micle – Climate Change, Changes to the Environment and Migration in Sahel
- Summer School „Brilliant Minds for Social-Ecological Transformations“
- Sustainability as a Concept in the Social Sciences