Dr. Immanuel Stieß
+49 69 7076919-19
+49 69 7076919-11
Immanuel Stieß has been a research scientist at ISOE since 1999. Since April 2023, he has been a member of the Executive Board and, together with Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky, heads the Practices and Infrastructures hub. Before that, he was head of the research unit Energy and Climate Protection in Everyday Life.
He is a sociologist and planning expert and received his doctorate in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning from the University of Kassel, with a thesis on communication with tenants during modernisation processes. His focus is on social-ecological life-style research in construction and housing; nutrition; integration of communication instruments in urban and spatial planning; and indicators of sustainability for social life. Immanuel Stieß has wide experience in both quantitative and qualitative empirical research into social life and the related design of target group oriented communication strategies.
Focus of research
- Social-ecological life-style research in construction and housing, energy and nutrition
- Integration of communication instruments in urban and spatial planning
- Indicators of sustainability for social life
- KomKlAn – Status and Progress of Municipal Climate Adaptation in Germany
- Repack-network: sustainable food packaging
- SLInBio – Urban lifestyles and the valorization of biodiversity: dragonflies, grasshoppers, bumblebees and Co
- WissTransKlima – Knowledge transfer for better climate adaptation in municipalities
- Actor survey on the regional energy concept FrankfurtRhineMain
- Analysis of the Program "Bremer modernisieren"
- Approaches to long-term effective power saving advice
- Analysis of Job Prospects in Energy Saving Advice
- Bio+pro – Target Groups in the Market of Organic Foods
- The Blue Angel – Environmental Communication for Children and Young People
- Germany under Climate Change
- EcoLux – Sustainable Building and Housing in Luxemburg
- Efficient Advice on Electricity Consumption in Private Households
- EiMap – Communication strategy promoting energy-efficient refurbishment during the home purchasing process
- ENEF-Haus – Motivating and Enabling Private Home Owners for Energy Efficient Refurbishment
- Improving Energy-Efficient Refurbishment of Private Homes
- Rising Energy Costs, Social Consequences and Climate Protection
- ENGAGE – Commitment to sustainable public welfare
- Food Change
- EUPOPP - Political Strategies and Tools to Promote Sustainable Consumption
- Evaluation of the Campaign "Gut beraten starten"
- Evaluation of the Cariteam Energy Saving Service
- Evaluation of the "Brennpunkt Heizung" (Focus Heating) Campaign
- Gender Impact Assessment of the EU-Programme "Enviroment and Sustainable Development"
- Gender equality as a contribution to successful climate policy
- Hertie-Studie FrankfurtRheinMain
- Homes-uP – Single Family Homes under Pressure?
- IndUK – Individual environmental action and climate protection
- INTAFERE – Integrated Analysis of Organic Impurities in Rivers
- JET-SET - Emissions Trading as Social-Ecological Transformation Process
- Climate CO2NTEST – Acceptance and impact of the competition in the Hanover region
- KlimaAlltag – low carbon lifestyles in the zero emissions city
- Cognitive integration and innovation
- Kommunikationskampagnen für nachhaltigen Konsum und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe
- LivingSpaces – Instruments for a needs-orientated usage of the housing stock in municipalities
- “LebensWert” – Development Management for Maintaining the Quality of Life in small towns Facing Demographic Change
- MediPlanB – Effects of indigenous medicinal plants on health and biodiversity
- Modernization of “Blue Angel”
- Demand-driven Life Cycle Management
- Sustainable Modernisation of Existing Buildings
- NaKoDi – Sustainable consumption and social participation
- netWORKS 3 – Sustainable concepts for the municipal water sector
- netWORKS 4 – Resilient networks: how urban supply systems contribute to climate justice
- netWORKS 4 – Resilient networks: Contributions of urban supply systems to climate justice (follow-up project)
- Ecodesign – ecological design as purchase criterion
- Perspectives of citizen participation in the energy transition – Heat consulting
- PlaNE – Planetary Health and Sustainable Nutrition
- PLASTRAT – Reduction of plastic discharges in lakes and running waters
- PowerFlex – integrating the heating and cooling sector into the electricity market model PowerFlex
- Concept for the Framework Programme "Social-ecological Research" SÖF
- Renovation 60plus – Age-appropriate approach, advice and support for home and apartment renovation
- Smart Home from a Customer's Perspective
- Social aspects of environmental policy
- Social Dimensions of Sustainability
- Power efficiency classes for households
- SuPraStadt – Quality of life, participation and resource conservation through social diffusion of sufficiency practices in urban neighbourhoods
- SuPraStadt II – Quality of life, participation and resource conservation through social diffusion of sufficiency practices in urban neighbourhoods
- Sustainability as a Concept in the Social Sciences
- Synergies between environmental and social policy
- TRI-HP – Trigeneration systems based on multiple renewable sources
- Environmental awareness in Germany 2020
- Perception and Acceptance of the Ecolabel “Blue Angel”
- Motives of Residential Mobility in Braunschweig
- Effective policy advice through sustainability research
- Mobile Living – Innovative Housing and Mobility Services
- Vision for Biodiversity