Lena Theiler has been a research scientist at ISOE since 2017, having previously been a research assistant since 2016. She studied sociology and German philology at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Basel. She wrote her master’s thesis at University of Hamburg’s Cluster of Excellence “Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction”. It focuses on influences of environmental change on individual migration decision-making.
- Biodiversity and Climate: Socio-ecological Biodiversity Research
- ChemKom – Strategic science communication on the risks of perpetuity chemicals
- Platform tdAcademy for transdisciplinary research and studies
- SLInBio – Urban lifestyles and the valorization of biodiversity: dragonflies, grasshoppers, bumblebees and Co
- Transdisciplinarity in biodiversity research
- BioKompass – Communication and participation for the societal transformation towards bioeconomy
- Summer School „Brilliant Minds for Social-Ecological Transformations“
- TransImpact – Effective Transdisciplinary Research
- Scientific coordination of the funding initiative „An environmentally and socially compatible transformation of the German energy system”