Dr. Lukas Sattlegger

Research Scientist

 +49 69 7076919-31
 +49 69 7076919-11

Lukas Sattlegger has been a research scientist at ISOE since 2016. He completed his doctorate at Goethe University Frankfurt as part of the SÖF junior research group PlastX on the topic of packaging and sustainable consumption. His sociological dissertation is entitled “Difficulties and Potentials of Packaging Avoidance – A Workplace Ethnography in Food Retailing”. Previously, he studied Sociology and Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna and Social- and Human Ecology at IFF Vienna, Alpe Adria University Klagenfurt.

Focus of research

  • Qualitative methods of social research
  • Sustainable consumption and everyday life
  • Plastic waste and packaging
  • Sustainable food systems
  • Urban nature relations
