Dr. Michael Kreß-Ludwig
Head of Research Unit Transdisciplinarity
069 7076919-62
069 7076919-11
Michael Kreß-Ludwig has been a research scientist at ISOE since 2018 and has been head of the research unit Transdisciplinarity since April 2023. Before, he worked at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) and the Centre for Renewable Energies (ZEE) at the University of Freiburg on various transdisciplinary sustainability research projects. Michael Kreß-Ludwig studied sociology, psychology and ethnology at the University of Heidelberg and completed his doctorate at the University of Freiburg on civic involvement in the energy system transformation.
Focus of research
- Transdisciplinarity and knowledge transfer
- Participation in sustainability processes
- Environmental awareness and behaviour
- Empirical methods of social research
- Societal impacts of research institutions: ARL Effectiveness Study
- Cognitive integration through artificial intelligence in transdisciplinary sustainability research
- Cognitive integration and innovation
- s:ne – System Innovation for Sustainable Development
- SynVer*Z – Effectiveness of research on the sustainable transformation of cities
- Environmental awareness in Germany 2020