Dr. Oskar Marg

Research Scientist

 +49 69 7076919-26
 +49 69 7076919-11

Oskar Marg hast been a research scientist at ISOE since 2016. Previously he worked as research scientist at the Disaster Research Unit (DRU) at Freie University Berlin. From 2011 till 2014 he was already active at ISOE in the research unit Energy and Climate Protection in Everyday Life. Before that Oskar Marg worked as a research associate at the Institute for Empirical and Applied Sociology (EMPAS) at the University of Bremen. He studied sociology, history, and labor sciences at the University of Bremen and Åbo Akademi (Finland) and he received a PhD for his research about resilience of households against extreme events based on the example of a river flood event in a small town in Saxony (Germany).

Focus of research

  • Transdisciplinary Research
  • Accompanying Research
  • Environmental/Sustainability Research from a Social Science perspective
  • Resilience and Disaster Sociology
  • Sociology of Knowledge
