Societal innovations and as a result new forms of communication and cooperation are – besides technical innovations – indispensable for sustainable development. With our workshop format of DesignLabs we address all those who want to develop initial ideas up to the point of application for a social innovation on the basis of current scientific findings from sustainability research. Another important aspect is the combination of social innovation with community action: DesignLabs appeal to the imagination of their participants; they spark their curiosity and an interest to become active and search for practicable solutions in their own everyday lives together with others. The whole endeavour is not so much about fundamentally new ideas though, but rather about concepts that can be implemented in one’s own city.
DesignLabs enable a transdisciplinary dialogue between people with ideas for change (so-called change agents) as well as between scientists and experts: Starting from the basic idea of experimental learning, the creative exchange in small teams as well as different innovation methods are the focus of the DesignLabs.
Here some impressions from our DesignLabs that took place in cooperation with art-werk and basis e.V. and which dealt with the following topics:
- Community consumption
- Ways out of the world of plastics
- For more quality of stay in our cities
- Being multi-optionally mobile