Electromobility for the Darmstadt-Rhine-Main-Neckar Region

Ökologische Stadt mit Elektro-Fahrzeugen und Schnellzug (©scusi – stock.adobe.com)

In this project, approaches for an electromobility concept for the Darmstadt-Rhine-Main-Neckar region are being developed for the ENTEGA NATURpur Institute. The goal is to develop recommendations for action regarding future climate-friendly, interconnected and integrated mobility offers. In the process, potential savings in greenhouse gases and opportunities for linking up with existing mobility offers and initiatives in the region will be determined.

Research approach

The needs for electromobility in municipalities, for companies and citizens in the project region are to be investigated. The study is based on an understanding of electromobility that takes into account electric cars and two-wheelers as well as public transport and mobility offers for which there is high potential to achieve emission savings under the regional conditions. The study will incorporate previous experiences with multi- and intermodal transport concepts in the study area, classify supraregional best-practice examples, and identify specific potential for the energy supplier ENTEGA. The basic analysis of regional conditions and requirements, e.g. regarding e-bikes, sharing offers, electric cars and trucks, as well as the current charging infrastructure and connection points to public transport, forms the basis for the following social-empirical investigations. The requirements for e-mobility are gathered in two empirical sub-steps: in expert interviews with regional stakeholders and via a standardized population survey. ISOE conducts the representative population survey in order to bring together experiences, needs and preferences regarding multimodal and e-mobility offers in everyday life and in order to identify different mobility types in the study region. The results are intended to point out potentials and starting points for ENTEGA as a regional service provider for energy and infrastructure.


The climate protection goals mentioned in the Climate Action Program 2030 and the aim of a large-scale greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 form the guidelines for future mobility. However, the transport sector is not yet sustainable. Efficiency gains achieved in recent years have been offset by a steadily increasing traffic volume. The electrification of transport is one of the core strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to further develop electrification, demand-oriented regional approaches are to be developed for ENTEGA.

Research and project partner

ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH (project lead)


ENTEGA NATURpur Institut gGmbH


Lambrecht, Udo/Bernhard Bruch/Heike Oehler/Hinrich Helms/Jutta Deffner/Georg Sunderer (2023): Bausteine für eine multimodale und klimaschonende Mobilität. Was Akteure in der Region Rhein-Main-Neckar tun können. Heidelberg/Frankfurt am Main: ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung/ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung


2021/04 – 2022/04