ecobiente - Designing Sustainable Goods more Succesfully

The project team of ecobiente accompanied businesses from the construction and housing sectors in developing products on the basis of ecological and target-group specific criteria.

Research approach

In the first phase of the project a guideline was designed to convey to the companies basic insights into product language and target group models. ISOE undertook empirical testing of product prototypes from the individual companies to examine their attractiveness for potential target groups. Based on the qualitative findings, a target group model was developed for the sustainable construction and housing market.

Cooperation partners

econcept, Agentur für Ökologie und Designberatung, Köln
Klaus Novy Institut, Köln

Practice partners

Baufritz, Erkheim
energie bau, Köln
newcraft, Köln
combinaat, Aachen


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


2002/09 – 2005/06