Quali-Set-Praxis - Practical Quality Assurance & Management in Health Promoting Settings

In Quali-Set-Praxis, the team developed and tested methods and instruments for quality development in health promotion programmes. 

Research approach

The starting point for quality development was a discursive participatory evaluation of the practice-based project "Gesundheit jetzt!" ("Health Now"). Scientists subsequently universalised the methods and instruments to create a broadly deployable evaluation and monitoring matrix. 

By selecting the "Gesundheit jetzt!" project, located in the social hot spot of Zwerchallee, a settlement for the homeless, the team placed the breakdown of health inequality at the centre of it research. 

Project partners

Universität Bremen/ZWE Bremer Institut für Präventionsforschung und Sozialmedizin – BIPS (Lead)
Verein Armut und Gesundheit in Deutschland e.V./Projekt "Gesundheit jetzt! – in sozialen Brennpunkten“


Federal Ministry for Educatin and Research (BMBF)


2006/09 – 2009/08

Contact person

 +49 69 7076919-0

Project team