KlimaAlltag – low carbon lifestyles in the zero emissions city
The 'KlimaAlltag' project is investigating low carbon lifestyles in different social strata. The focus is on mobility, nutrition, home living and household energy consumption.
Research approach
The transdisciplinary researcher team working on KlimaAlltag is examining how everyday routines in different social classes can be changed, and how climate-friendly ways of life can be supported. ISOE is supervising the joint project.
Field testing
June 2011 saw the start of a field test headed by the Consumer Association of North Rhine-Westphalia. It involves 'climate households' from different milieus and social strata voluntarily reducing their CO2 emissions. They receive pertinent advice over a period of 6 months along with scientific back-up to help with implementing suitable measures. The areas covered are home living and energy use, nutrition, and mobility.
Empirical concomitant studies
The ISOE researchers are responsible for drawing up the concept for the empirical studies which are to accompany the experiment, followed by implementation and evaluation of the same. To this end they will be interviewing the 'climate households' on aspects such as the positive aspects and obstacles experienced as they seek to change their everyday routines.
Potentials and social impact of climate policy tools
Based on the examples of Frankfurt am Main and Munich, the scientists are investigating suitable programmes and tools with which the local authorities could offer socially just support in bringing about climate-neutral lifestyles. ISOE is using a representative survey for this purpose, concentrating on issues such as the willingness of the population to change their everyday habits, and whether or not the municipal climate policy tools and measures are actually taken on board.
The Institute for Ecological Economic Research (IÖW) is analysing the efficacy and efficiency of the climate policy tools already in place.
A team of researchers from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Graz is seeking to identify how the socio-economic effects of the tools are distributed throughout society. This includes looking at how measures to protect the climate affect households on low incomes.
Cooperation partners
- Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)
- Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Practice partners
- Energiereferat Frankfurt am Main
- Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Funding programme Social-Ecological Research
Contact person
Project team
Project Links
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