Mobile Baden-Württemberg – Ways of Transformation towards a Sustainable Mobility

The aim of the study for the Baden-Württemberg foundation is to develop scenarios of sustainable mobility and ways of transformation together with relevant actors.

Research approach

This aim shall be reached during three working phases: first of all a thorough analysis will be done of the mobility industry, of social and socio-cultural as well as spatial-structural developments in Baden-Württemberg. With the help of transdisciplinarily developed scenarios, pathways to transformation will be created. These will then be shown in practically implementable steps. To this end the Öko-Institut e.V. – Institute for Applied Ecology, the Fraunhofer IAO, the IMU-Institute and ISOE have joined together in a research consortium. In this consortium, ISOE represents the competences for spatial developments, mobility orientations, mobility cultures and their changes. The IMU and the Fraunhofer Institute will analyse the mobility industry focusing on the micro and macro economic level. The Institute for Applied Ecology represents the ecologic perspectives and will thus provide a normative framework.


While the energy turnaround is clearly progressing, a transformation of the mobility sector is still awaited. Particularly in the state of Baden-Württemberg where most of the vehicle manufacturers are located, the question arises how an extensive transformation of the transport system and the mobility of the general public can be possible without endangering their prosperity which is relatively well distributed among the population.

Research Partners

Öko-Institut e.V. – Institute for Applied Ecology (project lead)
Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart
IMU-Institute, Stuttgart

Practice Partner

BUND (Friends of the Earth, Germany) Landesverband Baden-Württemberg


The project “Mobile Baden-Württemberg – Ways of Transformation towards a Sustainable Mobility” was commissioned by the Baden-Württemberg foundation.


2015/11 – 2017/05