Modernization of “Blue Angel”

On behalf of the UBA (Umweltbundesamt) the ISOE is developing a strategy to update the label with the aim to make the eco-label more modern and increase its attractiveness. The focus is on the renewal of the logo.

Scientific Approach

First of all, a judicial expertise will explore the legal scope for changing the logo. Based thereon, the ISOE will, together with the agency ‘SIGNUM communication’, develop a strategy to update the label. Taking the latest findings on consumer and environmental communication into consideration, the project team will then develop strategic recommendations for renewing the logo.

It is the aim of a design competition for students from the department of communication design at the Mainz University of Applied Sciences to develop design suggestions for the eco-label. The recommendations for updating the logo are to be taken into consideration. At the same time ‘SIGNUM communication’ will create their own draft. While the agency is strictly following the guidelines from the judicial expertise, the students have a greater degree of freedom for creative solutions.

In a multi-stage assessment and selection process in which the contractor, experts, and stakeholders will be involved, the drafts are to be evaluated and selected. Via focus groups, consumers will also be heard during the optimizing process. The winning draft will be elaborated and will then represent the ‘Blue Angel’ as a the new label.


‘Blue Angel’, the national eco-label is regarded as the oldest eco-label worldwide and is a success story that started 35 years ago. Since various other eco- and product-labels have emerged in the past years ‘Blue Angel’ has partly lost its orientation function. A study on market penetration and consumer acceptance of ‘Blue Angel’ that was done by ISOE on behalf of UBA in 2011/12 furthermore shows that the label is not anymore seen as attractive and modern, particularly by the younger consumers. Thus, a modernization is urgently called for.


  • SIGNUM communication, Mannheim
  • 3f design, Darmstadt
  • University of Applied Sciences Mainz, School of Design
  • Judicial expertise: Prof. Axel Metzger, Universität Hannover


Umweltbundesamt (UBA)


2013/11 – 2017/07