ORYCS – Wildlife-based management strategies in Namibia
The ORYCS research project builds on the results of the successful Namibian-German cooperation in the OPTIMASS research project. The aim is to assess the suitability of wildlife management strategies as options for adapting land use to climate change in savanna ecosystems. The case study area is Namibia. Here, the potential of wildlife management strategies versus conventional livestock management in the municipal and commercial agricultural sector will be investigated. Against the background of climate change, the research project aims to close the knowledge gap in the design of adapted land use management options for semi-arid regions.
Research approach
ORYCS explicitly pursues an inter- and transdisciplinary research approach: scientists from the fields of wildlife ecology, vegetation dynamics, hydrogeology and social ecology cooperate with actors at local, regional and national levels, in particular private farmers, communities and public authorities. In its research, ISOE concentrates on the complex motives for action of the stakeholders as well as the existing indigenous and local knowledge and the specific knowledge demands of the various stakeholders. This approach promotes the understanding within the research team of the different perspectives of the stakeholders on the interactions between wildlife management and ecosystem services. In addition, this approach facilitates the development of strategies for appropriate management, including constructive forms of conflict regulation.
The ecosystem of the Namibian savanna is threatened by changing climatic conditions and increasing land use pressure, as can be observed worldwide in semi-arid regions. Traditional land use options based on conventional livestock farming often lead to a deterioration of pastures. Management strategies that take into account the potential of wildlife use, such as meat production and tourism, are usually seen as appropriate approaches to mitigate these negative impacts, as indigenous wildlife are better adapted to local climatic conditions. These strategies are already being pursued in some areas of Namibia, with the use of wildlife proving to be a conflictual challenge for farmers, communities and authorities. Political priorities, economic interests and additional, diverging values can lead to different types of conflicts that require specific and constructive solutions.
Project partners
- University of Potsdam
- Freie Universität Berlin
- Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)
- University of Namibia (UNAM)
Practice partners
- Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET)
- Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF)
- Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO)
- Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU)
- Etosha Heights Game Safaris
This research project “Options for sustainable land use adaptations in savanna systems: Chances and risks of emerging wildlife-based management strategies under regional and global change (ORYCS)” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the funding measure SPACES-II (Science Partnerships for the Assessment of Complex Earth System Processes, 2nd call).
Geißler, Katja/Niels Blaum/Graham P.von Maltitz/Taylor Smith/Bodo Bookhagen/Heike Wanke/Martin Hipondoka/Eliakim Hamunyelae/Dirk Lohmann/Deike U. Lüdtke/Meed Mbidzo/Markus Rauchecker/Robert Hering/Katja Irob/Britta Tietjen/Arnim Marquart/Felix V. Skhosana/Tim Herkenrath/Shoopala Uugulu (2024): Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions in Southern African Savanna Rangelands: Threats, Impacts and Solutions. In: Maltitz, Graham P.von/Guy F. Midgley/Jennifer Veitch/Christian Brümmer/Reimund P. Rötter (Hg.): Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change. Ecological Studies, 248. Cham: Springer, 407-438
Hauptfleisch, Morgan/Niels Blaum/Stefan Liehr/Robert Hering/Ronja Kraus/Manjana Tausendfreund/Alice Cimenti/Deike U. Lüdtke/Markus Rauchecker/Kenneth Uiseb (2024): Trends and Barriers to Wildlife-Based Options for Sustainable Management of Savanna Resources: The Namibian Case. In: Maltitz, Graham P.von/Guy F. Midgley/Jennifer Veitch/Christian Brümmer/Reimund P. Rötter (Hg.): Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change. Ecological Studies, 248. Cham: Springer, 499-525
Lütkemeier, Robert/Mari Bieri/Ronja Kraus/Meed Mbidzo/Guy F. Midgley (2024): Lessons Learned from a North-South Science Partnership for Sustainable Development. In: Maltitz, Graham P.von/Guy F. Midgley/Jennifer Veitch/Christian Brümmer/Reimund P. Rötter (Hg.): Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change. Ecological Studies, 248. Cham: Springer, 901-931
Lütkemeier, Robert/Ronja Kraus/Meed Mbidzo/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr/Niels Blaum (2023): A Qualitative Exploration of Conflicts in Human-Wildlife Interactions in Namibia's Kunene Region. diversity 15 (3), 440
Lüdtke, Deike U./Verena Rossow/Nicola Schuldt-Baumgart/Stefan Liehr (2022): Avoiding pitfalls in knowledge transfer. A guide using the example of communication with Namibian land users. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung
Lüdtke, Deike U./Verena Rossow/Nicola Schuldt-Baumgart/Stefan Liehr (2022): How to reach people through knowledge transfer - Sustainability and conservation research: addressing Namibian land users. ISOE Policy Brief, 9. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Cimenti, Alice/Manjana Tausendfreund (2021): Restart of fieldwork after COVID-19 break: first impressions from a Master-Tandem in ORYCS. SPACES II Newsletter, 6. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 12-13
Kraus, Ronja/Robert Lütkemeier/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2021): Finished ORYCS master's thesis: Landscape permeability for elephant movement. SPACES II Newsletter, 5. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 6
Lütkemeier, Robert/Ronja Kraus/Meed Mbidzo/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2021): Stakeholder Attitudes towards Wildlife-Based Land Use in Namibia's Kunene Region. IGC-IRC2021 Proceedings. Joint XXIV International Grassland Congress and XI International Rangeland Congress 25.10.21-29.10.21 Nairobi (Kenya): Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
Lütkemeier, Robert/Meed Mbidzo/Stefan Liehr (2021): Water security and rangeland sustainability: Transdisciplinary research insights from Namibian-German collaborations. South African Journal of Science 117 (1/2), 7773
Fickel, Thomas/Robert Lütkemeier/Diana Hummel (2020): Biodiversitätskonflikte. Eine sozial-ökologische Perspektive. W & F Wissenschaft und Frieden 38 (4), 26-29
Kraus, Ronja/Robert Lütkemeier/Meed Mbidzo/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2020): Stakeholder attitudes on wildlife in Namibia's Kunene Region. SPACES II Newsletter, 4. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 16
Kraus, Ronja/Ivonne Makando (2020): ORYCS Master tandem on Elephant movements. SPACES II Newsletter, 3. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 4
Kraus, Ronja/Robert Lütkemeier/Meed Mbidzo/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2020): Approaching the interaction between society and wildlife. SPACES II Newsletter, 2. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 23
Lütkemeier, Robert/Ronja Kraus/Meed Mbidzo/Stefan Liehr (2019): First assessment of perspectives on wildlife management. SPACES II Newsletter, 1. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 8
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