Rainwater transfer in Fellbach: from the commercial zone to farmland

The feasibility study “Rainwater Transfer from Business to Agriculture” elicits the technical, legal, organizational and economic framework conditions for the collection of rainwater from a commercial zone in Fellbach as well as its transfer to the adjacent farmland and the subsequent use of this water for irrigation purposes.

Research approach

The feasibility study is being conducted as part of the project “Agriculture meets Manufacturing” in the context of the International Building Exhibition 2027 (IBA’27) in Fellbach (Baden-Württemberg). The partners involved in this study will be analyzing and evaluating the technical, legal, organizational and economic framework conditions necessary for rainwater transfer and will be discussing them with local stakeholders in order to identify ways to implement the solutions devised. ISOE’s tasks include determining the legal framework for rainwater transfer. In addition to state, federal and European law, local statutes will therefore be consulted. ISOE will also assess what kinds of collaboration are possible and how these can be facilitated by choosing suitable organizational forms (e.g. an association) and cooperation models (e.g. cooperation at eye level). To assess the economic feasibility of rainwater transfer, operating costs will be calculated and possible tariff systems developed. Finally, potentials and obstacles on the different implementation paths will be identified and funding options for the realization of rainwater transfer determined.


Climate change is leading to an increasing number of heavy rainfall events, but also of dry periods. In combined sewer systems, heavy rainfall events cause flooding which leads to further problems, while long periods of drought endanger agricultural production. In this context, the research question for the IBA project area is: How can synergies be created so that solving one problem contributes to solving others? In addition to promoting the use of rainwater in agriculture, the project aims to close the water cycle through seepage. In the commercial zone at hand this has so far not been possible due to pollution.

Research and project partners

  • diem.baker GbR (management)
  • planbar hochdrei

Practice partners

  • City of Fellbach


The project “Rainwater Transfer from Business to Agriculture” is commissioned by the City of Fellbach and funded as part of the “Experimental Housing and Urban Development (ExWoSt)” program.


2024/02 – 2024/10