regulate – Sustainable Groundwater Management in Europe
The junior research group ‘regulate’, led by ISOE, investigates current challenges to Europe’s groundwater management against the background of acute drought conditions, ongoing pollution, increasing conflicts and complex institutional settings. The team of researchers from natural and social sciences develops strategies for sustainable management of groundwater on different governance levels.
Research approach
The scientists will use their research to generate new knowledge to better understand how groundwater bodies in Europe are impaired – from a hydrological, geographical, ethnological and ecological perspective. In this regard, the project investigates telecouplings, i.e., remote effects that lead to problems of quality and availability locally, but which originate in other regions due to socio-economic and political interdependencies. In these remote effects, the project focuses in particular on nitrate pollution and droughts and analyses conflicts, norms and values in dealing with the invisible resource groundwater. The junior research group works with stakeholders in case studies in Europe to generate new local knowledge and draw comprehensive conclusions for appropriate management. These conclusions have the potential to be applied in Europe as well as in other regions worldwide.
Groundwater is the most important source of drinking water worldwide and a central resource for food production. As a habitat for special animal organisms, it is also characterised by a unique biodiversity. Despite their important role in ecosystem health and for human well-being, groundwater bodies are threatened by climate change, overuse and pollution. Although Europe has a comprehensive legal framework in the form of the Water Framework Directive, the goals of a good quantitative and chemical status by 2027 will probably not be achieved comprehensively. The reasons may be found in the interaction of regionally varying availability of groundwater, unsustainable practices of groundwater use and outdated rights of use.
Research and project partners
- University Koblenz Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences
- Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Physical Geography
- Goethe University Frankfurt, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Trier University, Governance and Sustainability Lab
Practice partners
The junior research group follows a transdisciplinary research approach and thus collaborates with stakeholders from the water management sector, agriculture, nature conservation, industry and authorities on the local and European levels.
The junior research group “regulate – regulation of groundwater in telecoupled social-ecological systems” is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the program “Research for Sustainable Development (FONA)”. The “regulate” project is part of the funding measure “SOEF – Social-ecological Research” in the funding area “Junior Research Groups in Social-Ecological Research”.
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Linda Söller (2025): Grundwasser: Maßnahmen für eine nachhaltige Nutzung der umkämpften Ressource. In: Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hg.): transforming economies, Güthersloh
Hodžic, Dženeta/Verena Maleska/Theresa Jedd/Felicitas Sommer (2025): Was schützt uns vor zu viel Wasser?. Wasseratlas 2025. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 44-45
Dányi, Endre/Michaela Spencer/Dženeta Hodžic/Matt Campbell/Helen Verran/Martina Klausner/Caroline Anna Salling/Brit Ross Winthereik (2024): 'Voicing Places' at EASST/4S'. Society for Social Studies of Science
Fehrs, Kristiane (2024): Kein Tag ohne Wasser. Eine ethnografische Untersuchung der ‚Politics und Poetics' einer Trinkwasserinfrastruktur im Süden Sachsen-Anhalts. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13142696. Groundwater Dimensions, 3. Frankfurt am Main
Kuhn, David/Dženeta Hodžic/Linda Söller (2024): Water infrastructures as mediators between nature and society on the Croatian island of Veliki Brijun.
Kuhn, David/Robert Lütkemeier/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Linda Söller/Kristiane Fehrs (2024): Infrastructural lock-ins in the temporal and spatial development of a long-distance water transfer in Germany. Journal of Hydrology 634 (131070)
Mausolf, Ulrike (2024): „Wir haben ja nur eine Vermutung, was hier passiert". Grundwasserzukünfte verhandeln. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12806455. Groundwater Dimensions, 2. Frankfurt am Main
Sarkar, Priyanka/Robert Lütkemeier (2024): Unveiling the importance of small-scale and seasonal wetlands: policy imeratives for groundwater sustainability in India. Current Science 126 (10), 1207-1208
Söller, Linda/Robert Lütkemeier/Hannes Müller Schmied/Petra Döll (2024): Groundwater stress in Europe- assessing uncertainties in future groundwater discharge alterations due to water abstractions and climate change. Front Water 6, 1448625
Söller, Linda/Dženeta Hodžic/Robert Lütkemeier (2024): Water Futures on Krk Island. Guiding Principles for achieving a Sustainable Water-Tourism-Nexus. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10907296. Groundwater Dimensions, 1. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research
Söller, Linda/Dženeta Hodžic/Robert Lütkemeier (2024): Buducnosti vode na otoku Krku. Smjernice za postizanje održive vodno-turisticke mreže. U suradnji sa interesnim grupama. 10.5281/zenodo.12542334 . Groundwater Dimensions, 1. Frankfurt am Main
Söller, Linda/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Robert Lütkemeier/David Kuhn/Anne Jäger/Jörg von Beyme/Maria Diebes/Jan Donner/Armin Hoch/Steffen Hooper/Toni Meier/Jutta Parnieske-Pasterkamp/Laura Ritter/Martin Schneppmüller/Torsten Wagner (2024): Leitbild 2040 Grundwasser - Ziele und Maßnahmen für ein nachhaltiges Grundwassermanagement im Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Wahls, Luis (2024): „Wasser brennt den Leuten unter den Nägeln". Eine ethnografische Analyse regulierter Wasserpolitik in Frankfurt am Main und ihrer Bedeutung für regionale Nutzungskonflikte. Groundwater Dimensions, 5. Frankfurt am Main
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Rossella Alba/Kristiane Fehrs (2023): Adaptive governance as bricolage. Geographica Helvetica 78 (3), 397-409
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Robert Lütkemeier (2023): Groundwater messages to the UN: from (in)visibility to envisioning. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung
Acksel, Britta/Dženeta Hodžic/Catharina Lüder (2022): Knox Hannah (2020) Thinking Like a Climate: Governing a City in Times of Environmental Change. Sciene & Technology Studies 35 (1), 80-82
Curak, Hana/Dženeta Hodžic (2022): Daytonitis in Practice: (Post-)Socialist (Dis-)Continuities in Bosnia and Herzegovina's Energy and Environment Sector. Berliner Blätter (85), 87-98
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny (2022): Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky, "Groundwater in distal relations: visible and invisible in multiple ways". Yearbook 2022/2023 European Water Association. Hennef: European Water Association, 47-50
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Thomas Kluge/Stefan Stegemann/Martin Zimmermann (2022): Capacity development for water reuse in in-formal partnerships in northern Namibia. Front Water 4, 906407
Hodžic, Dženeta/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Zoran Nakic (2022): Projekt REGULATE - novi pristup u ocuvanju podzemnih voda. Hrvatska Vodoprivreda (239), 22-27
Lütkemeier, Robert/Linda Söller/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky (2022): Anthropogenic Pressures on Groundwater. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (Second Edition) 3, 548-559
Pande, Saket/Melissa Haeffner/Günter Blöschl/Mohammad Faiz Alam/Cyndi Castro/Giuliano Di Baldassarre/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Rick Hogeboom/Heidi Kreibich/Jenia Mukherjee/Aditi Mukherji/Fernando Nardi/Marcus Nüsser/Fuqiang Tian/Pieter van Oel/Murugesu Sivapalan (2022): Never Ask for a Lighter Rain but a Stronger Umbrella. Front Water 3, 822334
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Robert Lütkemeier (2021): Groundwater: De-localized Resources in the Anthropocene. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung
Lütkemeier, Robert/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Dženeta Hodžic/Anna Jäger/David Kuhn/Linda Söller (2021): Telecoupled Groundwaters: New Ways to Investigate Increasingly De-Localized Resources. Water 13 (20), 2906
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