Sharing-Concepts for a Multi-Optional Mobility System in Frankfurt-Rhine-Main
Together with the Institute for Human Geography of the Goethe-University in Frankfurt the ISOE is investigating how new mobility services can be integrated into the public transport system and into traffic planning.
Research Approach
Working together in a transdisciplinary way with actors from local administrations, public transport companies and mobility providers, recommendations to design and organize sharing-offers will be developed for different groups. To this end, the project team will investigate the embedding of previous sharing-offers into the current transport system. One focus for example, will be on parking regulations for sharing-vehicles in public spaces. We will also take a look at how users of sharing-offers typically combine these means of transport.
First, the scientists will analyze the current literature and good practice examples that are showing the latest developments and the present integration of different sharing-concepts. The focus will be on car-sharing concepts and mobile IKT platforms. With the help of already existing data from providers and research partners and using the results of focus group discussions, typical usage patterns of sharing-offers will be determined. The users’ expectations towards multi-optional mobility systems will also be ascertained. During stakeholder workshops the challenges for actors and providers will be identified and recommendations will then be derived.
In the previous years, numerous mobility services have evolved in the field of sharing which have developed quite dynamically and have changed the traffic behavior. Thus, municipal and regional actors are faced with new challenges. Although there exist recommendations how to design flexible car sharing and bike sharing systems, an integrated analysis of various sharing offers is still missing. This goes particularly for stationary and dynamic rideshare, ride sharing parking spaces and their integration into the transport offer as a whole. Up to now, it is also unclear what kind of municipal or regional action will be necessary with regard to the innovative mobility services in order to promote a sustainable transport development. This does not only apply to the integration of new public transport offers and target group-specific measures for the promotion of usage but also to the shaping of public spaces and to parking facility management.
Deffner, Jutta/Thomas Klinger/Melina Stein/Juliane Kemen/Martin Lanzendorf (2016): Sharing-Konzepte für ein multioptionales Mobilitätssystem. Zentrale Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Region FrankfurtRheinMain. Wiesbaden: Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung
Klinger, Thomas/Juliane Kemen/Martin Lanzendorf/Jutta Deffner/Melina Stein (2016): Sharing-Konzepte für ein multioptionales Mobilitätssystem in FrankfurtRheinMain. Analyse neuerer Entwicklungen und Ableitung von Handlungsoptionen für kommunale und regionale Akteure. Schlussbericht. Arbeitspapiere zur Mobilitätsforschung, 9. Frankfurt am Main
Project partners
Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Human Geography, Prof. Dr. Martin Lanzendorf (project lead)
Practice partners
- City of Frankfurt am Main, Road Administration
- RMV – Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (transport association)
- Book-n-drive mobilitätssysteme GmbH
- Stadtmobil Rhein-Main GmbH
- DB Rent GmbH (Call a Bike)
- Car2go Deutschland GmbH
- Flinc AG (Ridesharing)
- Nextbike GmbH
- IVM – Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain
Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Energy, Urban and Regional Development
Contact person
Project team
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