Scientific support for the Frankfurt project “Smart Water Management”

The aim of the project is to provide scientific and communication support for the digitization of water management in the city of Frankfurt.

Research approach

The project provides scientific and communication support for the “Smart Water Management” project of the City of Frankfurt am Main. In this project, measures for the digitization of water management in Frankfurt are being tested as part of four sub-projects. The four sub-projects include improving the data basis and optimizing work processes by digitizing groundwater measuring points, digitally recording the water quality of watercourses and minimizing toxic inputs into the environment that occur as a result of pest control. The sub-projects are managed by Frankfurt's environmental agency and the parks department, as well as by the municipal offices responsible for urban drainage and digitization.

ISOE and Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences are providing scientific and communication support for the project. Here, ISOE is particularly responsible for processing the results and communicating them to local authorities, the scientific community and interested citizens in the Frankfurt area.


More than ever, a central goal of cities and municipalities is the protection and preservation of the quantity and quality of groundwater. Reason for this is the increasing pressure of use caused on the one hand by the growing population in metropolitan areas and on the other hand by ever aggravating environmental conditions due to climate change. High temperatures in particular have a negative impact on the quality and ecology of aquatic ecosystems. This also affects the ecosystem services provided by water bodies and their important functions such as the supply of drinking water or the provision of recreational opportunities for citizens. Here, the digitization of water management can provide an evidence-based decision-making basis for sustainable water management and can thus contribute to a more effective management.

Research and project partner

Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Analytical Research (IFAR)

Practice partners

Environmental Agency, City of Frankfurt am Main
Parks Department, City of Frankfurt am Main
Municipal Drainge, City of Frankfurt am Main 
Digitilization staff unit, City of Frankfurt am Main


The project “Smart Water Management" was commissioned by the City of Frankfurt. ISOE is a subcontractor of Hochschule Fresenius gemeinnützige Trägergesellschaft mbH, Institute for Analytical Research (IFAR).


Völker, Carolin (2024): Nachhaltige Wassernutzung durch smartes Wassermanagement. Leitartikel. Smarte Region Hessen Newsletter, 6/24.


2023/11 – 2025/05