smyile – sustainable mobility for Waldenbuch

Straßenschild B27 Ausfahrt Waldenbuch (Foto:

In the smyile project, ISOE is advising Daimler AG on sustainable mobility in the town of Waldenbuch. The project revolves around new solutions for fulfilling demand and satisfying everyday needs, with little or no need for transport. To this end, ISOE is putting forward different concepts based on mobility research: the distinction between mobility and traffic, the target group model for mobility-styles, the approach of lifestyle research, and thinking in terms of mobility cultures.

Consulting approach

At the core of the project is the distinction between mobility and traffic: by ‘mobility’ we refer to its potential to satisfy needs and fulfil demand at other places. We must be mobile if we are to do our shopping, visit a restaurant, or go round to friends for a meal. Traffic is the practiced motion in space on the basis of technical infrastructures. This can mean a lesser or greater burden for man and his environment. Groceries can be transported on foot, by bicycle, via public transport, or by car. However, the consumer can also opt to have their groceries to be brought to them instead, for example by a delivery service. Mobility thus takes on a different meaning here: it is now the products that need to be mobile. In any case, what counts is the satisfaction of needs.


In addition to the stock of cars and what are already good infrastructures for public transport, cycling, walking and car sharing, it is important to develop new, original ideas and products that exploit the synergies and efficiency potential within the existing transport system. Could neighbours help each other out with the shopping? Could digital platforms be used? The project was launched before the outbreak of Covid19, but for many people it was only during the corona lockdown that they rediscovered the attraction of shopping locally, appreciated the value of delivery services, and experienced how travel can be replaced by digital tools. The project will learn from this.


Daimler AG, RD/E Project Group, Mercedes Benz Cars, Sindelfingen


Götz, Konrad/Ansgar Bernardi/Jutta Deffner/Jan-Marc Joost/Martin Memmel/Laura Trost (2024): Zukunftsfähige Mobilität für Waldenbuch. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Projekts Smyile. ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie, 74. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung


2020/02 – 2023/07