SoCoDES – Social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services
The research project investigates the relationship between natural and societal processes. The resulting social-ecological dynamics are considered in particular in the context of the Anthropocene discourse. The Anthropocene shows that a clear distinction between “natural” and “human influenced” can no longer be made. Human actions and their impacts on nature become global and affect the entire Earth system. Unintended side-effects do not only influence ecosystems but also societies: there is no place on Earth that is not directly (e.g. land-use change) or indirectly (e.g. input of pollutants, nutrients) affected by human influence.
Research approach
The aim of the project is to gain a better and broader understanding of the relationships between societal developments and biodiversity. The way society uses ecosystem services is shaped by societal developments and influences biodiversity via land use changes. Against the background of the Anthropocene, the circumstances of these relationships are changing: Human actions have a global impact, and unintended side effects not only impact ecosystems but also society.
In order to investigate these relationships in more detail, the first step is to conduct a systematic literature review on “Biodiversity and Demographic Change” to establish the current state of research and identify research gaps or future research questions. In addition, the research project conceptually reflects social-ecological biodiversity research in the context of the Anthropocene. For this purpose, a discussion paper “Biodiversity in the Anthropocene” will be developed. In addition, empirical studies deal with the symbolic and material dimensions of the perception, use and valuation of nature in the city and a possible (re)conceptualization of the relationship between biodiversity and society.
Ecological and societal changes not only affect the provision of ecosystem services, they also influence people’s needs and lifestyles. This results in far-reaching changes in the use of natural livelihoods. At the same time, changes in the quality and extent of ecosystem services can influence societal processes, such as increasing the trend toward urbanization. These interactions between demographic developments and biodiversity are referred to as social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services. As different interest groups have different use claims on ecosystem services, conflicts can arise from these dynamics. This especially applies to urban areas, where social, ecological and economic conditions and demands change continuously and sometimes rapidly. However, the framework conditions of these dynamics are changing against the background of the Anthropocene. The debate on biodiversity conservation must therefore newly be conceptualized, as the supposed separation of nature and society dissolves: society is an integral part of nature, just as, conversely, nature cannot be understood without society. The relation between society and nature is central here. In the project SoCoDES, this relation is empirically investigated and conceptually reflected.
Project partners
- Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN), Frankfurt am Main (lead)
- Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main
- Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN)
- Own project of ISOE
The research project SoCoDES is part of the cooperation with the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F). Within SBiK-F interdependencies between shifts in biodiversity and climate change are being investigated. ISOE is a founding partner of the research centre and coordinates the focal field of “Ecosystem Services and Climate”.
Zinngrebe, Yves/Elsa M. Cardona Santos/Ulrich Brand/Jennifer Hauck/Thomas Hickmann/Gregor Hagedorn/Elisabeth V. Henn/Sebastian Lakner/David P.M. Lam/Marion Mehring/Axel Paulsch/Sophia Schmid/Julia Tschersich/Luciana Zedda/Heidi Wittmer (2025): Wie kann die Nationale Strategie zur biologischen Vielfalt 2030 zu einem transformativen Wandel beitragen?. Natur und Landschaft 100 (1), 16-25
Arneth, Almut/Aletta Bonn/Nils Borchard/Abhishek Chaudhary/Marianne Darbi/Trishna Dutta/Ulrike Eberle/Nico Eisenhauer/Nina Farwig/Cecilia Flocco/Jens Freitag/Peter Grobe/Rita Grosch/Hans-Pete Grossart/Angela Grosse/Kim Grützmacher/Nina Hagemann/Bernd Hansjürgens/Amber Hartman Scholz/Christiane Hassenrück/Christoph Häuser/Thomas Hickler/Franz Hölker/Ute Jacob/Sonja Jähnig/Klaus Jürgens/Stephanie Kramer-Schadt/Conor Kretsch/Cornelia Krug/Jan Paul Lindner/Lasse Loft/Carsten Mann/Bettina Matzdorf/Marion Mehring/Rudolf Meier/Karen Meusemann/Daniel Müller/Mats Nieberg/Jörg Overmann/Ralph Peters/Lisa M. Pörtner/Praja Pradhan/Annette Prochnow/Vera Rduch/Christopher P. Reyer/Christian Roos/Christoph Scherber/Nicole Scheunemann/Sibylle Schroer/Andreas Schuck/Giles B. Sioen/Simone Sommer/Nike Sommerwerk/Franziska Tanneberger/Klement Tockner/Hein van der Voort/Tonjes Veenstra/Peter H. Verburg/Maike Voss/Barbara Warner/Wolfgang Wende/Karsten Wesche (2024): 10 Must-Knows aus der Biodiversitätsforschung 2024. Potsdam: Leibniz-Forschungsnetzwerk Biodiversität
Boesing, Andrea Larissa/Valentin H. Klaus/Margot Neyret/Gaëtane Le Provost/Sophie Peter/Markus Fischer/Peter Manning (2024): Identifying the optimal landscape configuration for landscape multifunctionality. Ecosystem Services 67
Bruelheide, Helge/Christian Wirth/Nina Farwig/Josef Settele/Nico Eisenhauer/Julia S. Ellerbrok/Jennifer Hauck/Helmut Hillebrand/Dorothee Hodapp/Jon Maylin Marx/Marion Mehring/Anja Schmidt/Maria Sporbert/Lea von Sivers/Heidi Wittmer (2024): Synthese des Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Wie können negative Trends der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland umgekehrt und positive Trends unterstützt werden?. In: Wirth, Christian/Helge Bruelheide/Nina Farwig/Jori Maylin Marx/Josef Settele (Hg.): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München: oektom verlag, 1179-1204
Farwig, Nina/Philipp P. Sprenger/Bruno Baur/Katrin Böhning-Gaese/Angelika Brandt/Nico Eisenhauer/Götz Ellwanger/Axel Hochkirch/Alexandros A. Karamanlidis/Marion Mehring/Martin Pusch/Finn Rehling/Nike Sommerwerk/Theresa Spatz/Jens-Christian Svenning/Sabine Tischew/Klement Tockner/Teja Tscharntke/Alice B.M. Vadrot/Julian Taffner/Christine Fürst/Sonja C. Jähnig/Volker Mosbrugger (2024): Identifying Major Factors for Success and Failure of Conservation Programs in Europe. Environmental Management
Hauck, Jennifer/Vera Schreiner/Karsten Grunewald/Janina Kleemann/Stefan Knauß/Michael Kolkmann/Marion Mehring/Christian Poßer/Thomas Potthast/Christian Schleyer/Barbara Warner/Heidi Wittmer/Katrin Böhning-Gaese/Jasper Meya/Christine Fürst/Christian Albert/Hermann Ansorge/Tobias Behnen/Claudia Bieling/Alexandra Bökenkamp/Anna Brietzke/Markus Egermann/Nina Eschke/Nestor Fernandez/Johannes Förster/Jenny Garcia Ruales/Liana Geidezis/Nadine Gerner/Andreas Gutmann/Elke Hietel/Roman Lenz/Gunter Mann/Julian Richard Massenberg/Franca Maurer/Burghard Meyer/Jennifer Müller/Christian Papilloud/Marianne Penker/Heiko Schumacher/Heiner Schumann/Mario Sommerhäuser/Tanja M. Straka/Suleika Suntken/Katharina Talanow/Sander Westerling/Tobias M. Wildner/Roland Zieschank (2024): Transformationspotenziale zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt. In: Wirth, Christian/Helge Bruelheide/Nina Farwig/Jori Maylin Marx/Josef Settele (Hg.): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München: oektom verlag, 1121-1177
Klaus, Valentin H./Juliette M.G. Bloor/Giulio Cozzi/Solen Le Clec'h/Sophie Peter/Olivier Huguenin-Elie (2024): Balancing competing ecosystem services requires stakeholder involvement and actions on different spatial scales. In: Cindy.W.Klootwijk/Martine Bruinenberg/Mathias Cougnon (Hg.): Why grasslands?: Proceedings of the 30th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation Leeuwarden, the Netherlands 9-13 June 2024., Grassland Science in Europe, 29 Brill: The Organising Committee of the 30th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, on behalf of the Dutch-Flemish Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops (NVWV), 175-185
Klein, Alexandra-Maria/Amibeth Thompson/Sebastian Lakner/Anne-Christine Mupepele/Hubertus Paetow/Christian Sponagel/Claudia Bieling/Christoph Bleidorn/Laura Breitkreuz/Ute Hasenöhrl/Martin Sommer/Franziska Tanneberger/Helge Bruelheide/Kathrin Muus/Anja Schmidt/Josef Settele/Maria Sporbert/Ingolf Kuhn/Francois Buscot/Peter Otto/Katrin Böhning-Gaese/Felix Fornoff/Axel Ssymank/Martin Musche/Alexander Harpke/Bartosz Bartkowski/Nico Eisenhauer/Christian Ristok/Christoph C. Tebbe/Cäcilia Hagenow/Nicolas Schoof/Vera Schreiner/Marion Mehring/Christopher Morhart (2024): Agrar- und Offenland. In: Wirth, Christian/Helge Bruelheide/Nina Farwig/Jori Maylin Marx/Josef Settele (Hg.): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München: oektom verlag, 217-355
Lakner, Sebastian/Sven Gruner/Pia Sommer/Ute Hasenöhrl/Zachary Turk/Hannah Bohner/Bernd Klauer/Menko Koch/Marie Meyer-Jurshof/Anne-Christine Mupepele/Andre Mascarenhas/Alexandra-Maria Klein/Carola Paul/Florian Jansen/Marion Mehring/Franziska Tanneberger/Helmut Winkler/Pe'er Guy/Hubertus Paetow (2024): Indirekte Treiber der Biodiversitätsentwicklung. In: Wirth, Christian/Helge Bruelheide/Nina Farwig/Jori Maylin Marx/Josef Settele (Hg.): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München: oektom verlag, 1049-1119
Mehring, Marion/Anna Brietzke/Janina Kleemann/Stefan Knauß/Christian Poßer/Vera Schreiner/Heidi Wittmer/Christian Albert/Christine Fürst/Karsten Grunewald/Michael Kolkmann/Ludwig Lettenmaier/Tanja G.M. Sanders/Christian Schleyer/Josef Settele/Tanja M. Straka/Jennifer Hauck (2024): Multiple ways to bend the curve of biodiversity loss: An analytical framework to support transformative change. People and Nature
Peter, Sophie/Christian Ammer/Steffi Heinrichs (2024): Totholz. Ein Schlüssel zu mehr Artenvielfalt im Wald. Wald.Wissen aus den Biodiversitäts-Exploratorien Frankfurt am Main: BEO - Biodiversity Exploratories Office
Washbourne, Carla-Leanne/Ranjini Murali/Nada Saidi/Sophie Peter/Paola Fontanella Pisa/Thuan Sarzynski/Hyeonju Ryu/Anna Filyushkina/Carole Sylvie Campagne/Andrew N. Kadykalo/Giovanni Ávila-Flores/Taha Amiar (2024): Navigating the science policy interface: a co-created mind-map to support early career research contributions to policy-relevant evidence. Environmental Evidence 13 (15 (2024))
Kuß, Pirmin/Florian D. Schneider (2023): „Connecting people to nature" - Eine kritische Diskussion der Citizen-Science-App „iNaturalist" als Medium einer bestimmten Betrachtung und Vermittlung von Natur. ISOE-Diskussionspapiere, 49. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Neyret, Margot/Sophie Peter/Gaetane Le Provost/Steffen Boch/Andrea Larissa Boesing/James M. Bullock/Norbert Hölzel/Valentin H. Klaus/Till Kleinebecker/Jochen Krauss/Jörg Müller/Sandra Müller/Christian Ammer/François Buscot/Martin Ehbrecht/Markus Fischer/Kezia Goldmann/Kirsten Jung/Marion Mehring/Thomas Müller/Swen C. Renner/Peter Schall/Michael Scherer-Lorenzen/Catrin Westphal/Tesfaye Wubet/Peter Manning (2023): Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity. nature sustainability (6), 391-403
Sattlegger, Lukas/Anna Brietzke/Melina Stein/Florian D. Schneider (2023): Go-Along-Interviews als Methode für eine sozial-ökologische Stadtnaturforschung. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 24 (1) (Art. 9)
Arbieu, Ugo/Guillaune Chapron/Christos Astaras/Nils Brunnefeld/Steven Harkins/Yorgos Iliopoulos/Marion Mehring/Ilka Reinhardt/Thomas Mueller (2021): News selection and framing: the media as a stakeholder in human-carnivore coexistence. Environmental Research Letters 16 (6), 064075
Mehring, Marion/Diana Hummel/Florian D. Schneider (2021): Biodiversität im Anthropozän. Ein sozial-ökologischer Ansatz zur Bewertung von Biodiversität. Ökologisches Wirtschaften 36 (3), 46-50
Mehring, Marion/Katharina Geitmann-Mügge/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Diana Hummel (2021): Urban Social Ecology. In: Shackleton, Charlie M./Sarel S. Ciliers/Elandrie Davoren/Marie J.du Toit (Hg.): Urban Ecology in the Global South. Cities and Nature. Cham: Springer, 79-105
Peter, Sophie/Gaetane Le Provost/Marion Mehring/Thomas Müller/Peter Manning (2021): Cultural worldviews consistently explain bundles of ecosystem service prioritisation across rural Germany. People and Nature
Schneider, Florian D./Denise Margaret S. Matias/Stefanie Burkhart/Lukas Drees/Thomas Fickel/Diana Hummel/Stefan Liehr/Engelbert Schramm/Marion Mehring (2021): Biodiversity conservation as infectious disease prevention: why a social-ecological perspective is essential. Global Sustainability 4 (e13), 1-6
Schneider, Florian D./Anke Schmitz (2021): "Wir leben in einer Welt der Verflechtungen". Interview.
Arbieu, Ugo/Jörg Albrecht/Marion Mehring/Nils Bunnefeld/Ilka Reinhardt/Thomas Müller (2020): The positive experience of encountering wolves in the wild. Conservation Science and Practice
Mehring, Marion/Alexandra Lux/Thomas Jahn (2020): Anthropocene Biodiversity Challenges. Über die Notwendigkeit einer sozial-ökologischen Biodiversitätsforschung. Senckenberg Natur, Forschung, Museum 150 (7-9), 114-116
Mehring, Marion/Nicolai Mehlhaus/Edward Ott/Diana Hummel (2020): A systematic review of biodiversity and demographic change: A misinterpreted relationship?. Ambio 49, 1297-1312
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Project team
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