Structural concept for Trinkwasserversorgung Magdeburg

In this project a structural concept for the future water supply was developed on behalf of the water utility Trinkwasserversorgung Magdeburg GmbH (TWM).  

Research approach

COOPERATIVE Infrastruktur und Umwelt GbR and ISOE were commissioned by the water utility Trinkwasserversorgung Magdeburg GmbH (TWM) to analyse and evaluate developments parts of its supply area up until 2050. From this the team prepared approaches for solving future problems in water supply.

Scientists thus undertook an analysis and evaluation of overall developments in certain parts of the supra-regional TWM supply area with its central supply network and facilities. The networked power supply units, distribution systems and installations of the utility companies supplied by TWM were also reviewed. 

For the survey, the team prepared forecasts of developments in certain parts of the region and for water demand up until 2050. Furthermore, they defined criteria for demarcation and description (typing) of differently structured supply areas. The project sought to develop general alternative solutions and specific problem-solving approaches based on the example of two model regions. 

The results take the form of recommended action for adapted water supply in the different model regions.  It can be transferred to comparable supply areas. 


It remains unclear how supplies of drinking water will develop over the coming decades. Nor is it clear whether the existing supply infrastructure is equipped to deal with such developments. Analyses and forecasts help municipalities to prepare for any possible developments in the future. 

Project partner

COOPERATIVE Infrastruktur und Umwelt Darmstadt


Trinkwasserversorgung Magdeburg GmbH (TWM)


2009/06 – 2010/05

Contact person

 +49 69 7076919-0

Project team