Press releases

Social-ecological biodiversity research

How to bend the curve of biodiversity loss? New analytical framework provides answers

Biodiversity loss is considered a global crisis, as species extinction is worldwide impairing ecosystem functions that are also essential for human survival. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy...

Adapting to climate change

Innovative agricultural production with treated water: first living lab in operation

Regional conflicts over the use of water resources are rather common and will continue to intensify as a result of climate change and the increasing strain on natural water resources. Water-intensive...

Sustainable tourism

Solutions for sustainable water supply in booming holiday regions

In many coastal regions of Europe, tourism is an important cornerstone of a prosperous economy. This also applies to the Croatian island of Krk and the surrounding mainland, especially during the...

Artistic research

Experience art – appreciate biodiversity? Dance performance on the importance of insects in the city

Insect biodiversity is essential for life on our planet. However, this diversity is acutely threatened by changes in land use. At the same time, we can observe that cities have become places of refuge...

Der Bauerngraben, auch Hungersee genannt, ist ein im Harz gelegener, episodischer See an der Mündung des Glasebachs. Er liegt nahe dem Südharzer Ortsteil Agnesdorf im sachsen-anhaltischen Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz.

Sustainable groundwater management

A district shows the way: How to tackle good groundwater management 

The district of Mansfeld-Südharz in Saxony-Anhalt that is particularly affected by drought and flooding, shows what anticipatory groundwater management could look like. A project group led by the ISOE...


Head of Knowledge Communication and Public Relations
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+49 69 7076919-30
Deputy Head of Knowledge Communication and Public Relations, Media Relations
Deputy Head of Knowledge Communication and Public Relations, Media Relations
+49 69 7076919-51