Action recommendations for problems of global change

The ISOE Policy Briefs are summing up background information and results from current ISOE-research projects that are dealing with phenomena and problems of global change as for instance climate change, water scarcity or urbanization. Based on scientific findings, the short dossiers offer sound recommendations for action and are aimed at political decision-makers, representatives from science and the media as well as interested members of the public. The dossiers that will consist of roughly five pages are published in irregular intervals and will be either in German or English depending on the respective national or international project alignment.

    Planetare Gesundheit und nachhaltige Ernährung in Kommunen. Ein Orientierungsrahmen für die kommunale Ernährungswende 

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 10

    How to reach people through knowledge transfer – Sustainability and conservation research: addressing Namibian land users

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 9

    Lebensmittelverpackungen – nachhaltig. Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Gestaltung und Vermeidung von Verpackungen

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 8

    Keep on moving – How to facilitate nomadic pastoralism in Mongolia in the light of current societal transformation processes 

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 7 

    Integrated responses to drought risk in Namibia and Angola

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 6

    The need for transdisciplinary social-ecological biodiversity research – More a lack of knowledge rather than a lack of action

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 5

    Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und exportstarken Wasserwirtschaft

    ISOE Poliy Brief No. 4

    Sustainable mobility cultures and the role of cycling planning professionals

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 3

    Migration in the West African Sahel – more than a response to climate change

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 2

    Water security and climate adaptation through storage and reuse

    ISOE Policy Brief No. 1