Empirical Social Research
With all ecological products and measures it is important to know people's opinion before developing them further. This means finding out whether they notice and appreciate an offering, what their wishes and attitudes are, and what they are willing to accept. Here we offer different methods taken from empirical social research. From these results you can conclude how to optimise your product or measure, or how best to address your target groups.
What we offer
We carry out standardised representative surveys on a national or regional scale. We cover all the necessary stages such as developing the questionnaire, organising, executing and checking the fieldwork, evaluating and interpreting the results and drawing conclusions (link to lifestyles and target groups).
Besides this we also offer simulated decision-making scenarios with the help of conjoint analyses to investigate areas such as the price people are willing to pay for things.
It makes sense to use qualitative methods when exploring new questions. But for product, concomitant and design research we work with in-depth interviews, focus groups and creative workshops. Our range of services includes preparation of discussion guides, field organisation and facilitation, the evaluation and interpretation of results, and the drawing of conclusions.
The benefits for you
- You learn how acceptable the new offering is to people and what target groups exist in the market.
- We analyse which socio-demographic factors and attitudes influence acceptance or rejection.
- When it comes to changes in behaviour, we work out how this can be influenced.
- We examine the symbolic and emotional sides of acceptance.
- ChemKom – Strategic science communication on the risks of perpetuity chemicals
- Conflicts over the forest of the future
- GeisTreich – Geisenheim Transfer Program for Biodiverse and Multifunctional Viticulture
- GreeN-H2 Namibia – Feasibility study on green hydrogen in Namibia
- gwTriade – Integrative monitoring of groundwater quality
- KomKlAn – Status and Progress of Municipal Climate Adaptation in Germany
- MORE STEP – Mobility at Risk: Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem (Phase II)
- NamTip: Socio-ecological tipping points of desertification in Namibia in the context of climate change (2nd phase)
- NormA – Normative Conflicts in the Field of Biodiversity
- P-Net – Regional network for resource-efficient phosphorus recycling and management
- regulate – Sustainable Groundwater Management in Europe
- SCIP Plastics – Strengthening Waste Prevention in Khulna and Reducing Marine Plastic Pollution
- SLInBio – Urban lifestyles and the valorization of biodiversity: dragonflies, grasshoppers, bumblebees and Co
- SoCoDES – Social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services
- SoCuLa – Socio-cultural Drivers of Biodiversity Change in Germany
- Train station of the future – sustainable mobility hub and a place with quality of stay
- transform-R – Shaping the energy and mobility transition as a socio-ecological transformation in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main region
- WissTransKlima – Knowledge transfer for better climate adaptation in municipalities
- BIOZ – Environmentally friendly control of West Nile virus transmitting mosquitoes
- CapTain Rain – Capture and retain heavy rainfalls in Jordan
- Climate CO2NTEST – Acceptance and impact of the competition in the Hanover region
- CommuterLab – paths towards sustainable urban-suburban mobility based on the Frankfurt Rhein-Main region
- demons – Supplying the Population
- Ecodesign – ecological design as purchase criterion
- Electromobility for the Darmstadt-Rhine-Main-Neckar Region
- ENGAGE – Commitment to sustainable public welfare
- Environmental awareness in Germany 2020
- Everyday life in the neighborhood 4.0
- FlutNetz – Improving access to medical emergency care during flood disasters in Bangladesh
- HypoWave+ – Implementation of a hydroponic system for sustainable water reuse in agriculture
- INTERESS-I – Integrated strategies to strengthen urban blue-green infrastructures
- KlimaAlltag – low carbon lifestyles in the zero emissions city
- LIRA 2030 – Fostering Transdisciplinarity in Africa
- LogMob – Impact assessment of an integrated logistics and mobility concept for the German Protestant Church Congress
- MediPlanB – Effects of indigenous medicinal plants on health and biodiversity
- micle – Climate Change, Changes to the Environment and Migration in Sahel
- Mobile Living – Innovative Housing and Mobility Services
- Mobility Laboratory 2020 – Attractive alternatives to the private car
- MORE STEP – Mobility at Risk: Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem (Phase I)
- NaKoDi – Sustainable consumption and social participation
- NamTip: Understanding and Managing Desertification Tipping Points – A Namibian Perspective
- netWORKS 3 – Sustainable concepts for the municipal water sector
- netWORKS 4 – Resilient networks: Contributions of urban supply systems to climate justice (follow-up project)
- New perspectives for the ecological restoration of streams and rivers
- Noise Intermissions at Frankfurt Airport
- ORYCS – Wildlife-based management strategies in Namibia
- Perspectives of citizen participation in the energy transition – Heat consulting
- PLASTRAT – Reduction of plastic discharges in lakes and running waters
- Power efficiency classes for households
- PowerFlex – integrating the heating and cooling sector into the electricity market model PowerFlex
- RoboCab – Autonomous vehicles for carsharing and taxi fleets
- RobustNature – Robustness of Nature-Society Systems in the Anthropocene
- Semizentral – Infrastructure systems for cities of the future experiencing rapid growth
- share – Electromobility in car sharing
- Smartphone Instead of a Car?
- Social aspects of environmental policy
- Societal impacts of research institutions: ARL Effectiveness Study
- SuPraStadt II – Quality of life, participation and resource conservation through social diffusion of sufficiency practices in urban neighbourhoods
- Tracking down micropollutants
- TransRisk – Pollutants as a risk to the water cycle
- Vision for Biodiversity
- Water 2050 – Sustainable Innovations for Water Management
- Weschnitz Dialog: Communication and participation in the management of restoration measures along the river Weschnitz