Stakeholder Processes
Many measures have an influence on different stakeholders. The inclusion of such people in the relevant processes increases the legitimation and quality of decisions and solutions.
What we offer
Including different stakeholders in research processes is a core element of transdisciplinary research. We take up their various problems and, in working with stakeholders, tease out the significance of such problems to develop a mutual problem-solving perspective. ISOE provides the service of designing, implementing, accompanying and evaluating stakeholder dialogues for research, companies and organisations. Here we are also able to draw on the facilitation experience of ISOE staff.
The benefits for you
- We organise for you the complete stakeholder dialogue, including preparation and follow-up
- Upon request we combine the dialogue with further methods such as scenarios or modelling.
- We tease out the different interests or values of stakeholders, which are then fed into the process of interpreting and evaluating debatable knowledge on any one issue. We make these different perspectives amenable to discursive agreement
- You receive viable solutions to complex problems and questions by engaging the stakeholders.
- Accompanying research for groundwater development at the site “Heiliger Born”
- Business for Biodiversity: T-Labs for social-ecological change
- Conflicts over the forest of the future
- ENABLElocal – Enabling use of biodiversity monitoring data in local conservation management
- GeisTreich – Geisenheim Transfer Program for Biodiverse and Multifunctional Viticulture
- GreeN-H2 Namibia – Feasibility study on green hydrogen in Namibia
- gwTriade – Integrative monitoring of groundwater quality
- KomKlAn – Status and Progress of Municipal Climate Adaptation in Germany
- MORE STEP – Mobility at Risk: Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem (Phase II)
- NamTip: Socio-ecological tipping points of desertification in Namibia in the context of climate change (2nd phase)
- regulate – Sustainable Groundwater Management in Europe
- SoCoDES – Social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services
- SoCuLa – Socio-cultural Drivers of Biodiversity Change in Germany
- Train station of the future – sustainable mobility hub and a place with quality of stay
- transform-R – Shaping the energy and mobility transition as a socio-ecological transformation in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main region
- WaReNam – Water reuse strategy for Namibia
- Actor survey on the regional energy concept FrankfurtRhineMain
- BIOZ – Environmentally friendly control of West Nile virus transmitting mosquitoes
- Capital4Health – Transdisciplinary research for preventive healthcare
- CapTain Rain – Capture and retain heavy rainfalls in Jordan
- CommuterLab – paths towards sustainable urban-suburban mobility based on the Frankfurt Rhein-Main region
- CuveWaters – Sustainable Water Management in Namibia
- Dezent Zivil – New forms of civic involvement when building decentralised energy plants
- DINA – Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas
- EPoNa – Water Reuse in Northern Namibia
- Everyday life in the neighborhood 4.0
- HypoWave+ – Implementation of a hydroponic system for sustainable water reuse in agriculture
- IndUK – Individual environmental action and climate protection
- INTAFERE – Integrated Analysis of Organic Impurities in Rivers
- IntenKS – Improving sewage sludge treatment in China for energetic and material utilisation
- Knowledge transfer of the results of basic scientific research
- LIRA 2030 – Fostering Transdisciplinarity in Africa
- MediPlanB – Effects of indigenous medicinal plants on health and biodiversity
- Modernization of “Blue Angel”
- MORE STEP – Mobility at risk: Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem
- MORE STEP – Mobility at Risk: Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem (Phase I)
- MULTI-ReUse – Modular treatment system for water reuse
- NamTip: Desertification in drylands – a Namibian tipping point (pre-phase)
- NamTip: Understanding and Managing Desertification Tipping Points – A Namibian Perspective
- OPTIMASS – Sustainable Management of Savanna Ecosystems
- ORYCS – Wildlife-based management strategies in Namibia
- Perspectives of citizen participation in the energy transition – Heat consulting
- Pharmas – Ecological and human health risk assessment of antibiotics and anticancer drugs found in the environment
- PlaNE – Planetary Health and Sustainable Nutrition
- PLASTRAT – Reduction of plastic discharges in lakes and running waters
- SAUBER+ Innovative concepts for wastewater from public health sector facilities
- Scientific research support for the Trialogue on Germany’s “Energiewende” of the HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance
- Sharing-Concepts for a Multi-Optional Mobility System in Frankfurt-Rhine-Main
- Social aspects of environmental policy
- start – Management Strategies for Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water
- start2 – Management Strategies for Hormonally Active Agrochemicals
- TRI-HP – Trigeneration systems based on multiple renewable sources
- Water 2050 – Sustainable Innovations for Water Management
- Weschnitz Dialog: Communication and participation in the management of restoration measures along the river Weschnitz