Coupled Infrastructures
The confluence of climate change and demographic shifts presents unparalleled challenges to water infrastructures. Particularly during periods of heatwaves, droughts, heavy rainfall events, urbanization surges, and the depopulation of rural areas, the domains of water supply and wastewater management encounter serious trials. Mere surface-level adjustments often fall short. To effectively navigate these novel circumstances, a social-ecological transformation of these systems becomes imperative. This is where socio-technical and social-ecological innovations come into play, assuming a pivotal role.
A parallel focal point of our research focuses on the symbiosis of water infrastructure with other critical sectors like agriculture, energy/thermal systems, urban development, and waste management. This integration does not only involve challenges but also synergistic potentials that demand harnessing.
Our key research question is: How can social-ecological transformations of infrastructural and supply systems be executed successfully? To thoroughly answer this question, we embark on an exploration of intricate interdependencies and interactions among various infrastructural realms. Furthermore, we address potential obstacles and risks intrinsic to transformation, ensuring a holistic approach in tackling these pressing imperatives.
- AquaticPollutantsTransNet – Knowledge transfer for the reduction of pollutants and pathogens in the water cycle
- GreeN-H2 Namibia – Feasibility study on green hydrogen in Namibia
- LiveSewer – KI-basiertes Abwassermonitoring
- P-Net – Regional network for resource-efficient phosphorus recycling and management
- Rainwater transfer in Fellbach: from the commercial zone to farmland
- SCIP Plastics – Strengthening Waste Prevention in Khulna and Reducing Marine Plastic Pollution
- WaReNam – Water reuse strategy for Namibia
- Assessment of the potential for the use of service water in Frankfurt am Main
- Drugs for man and the environment?
- Substitution of Environmental Relevant Flame Retardants
- BioFAVOR II – Low-tech recycling of faeces from decentralised sources
- Eliminating micropollutants in sewage plants
- Expert report on the carbon balance of forests
- HypoWave – New Pathways Towards Wastewater Re-Use in Agriculture
- HypoWave+ – Implementation of a hydroponic system for sustainable water reuse in agriculture
- IntenKS – Improving sewage sludge treatment in China for energetic and material utilisation
- INTERESS-I – Integrated strategies to strengthen urban blue-green infrastructures
- Communication Strategies for the Handling of Pharmaceuticals
- Competence Atlas Water – Water Technologies and Water Management in Hesse
- KREIS – Innovative municipal wastewater system in ‘Jenfelder Au’
- Privatisation and Competition in Drinking Water Supply in Germany
- MULTI-ReUse – Modular treatment system for water reuse
- Sustainability Performance in the Water Supply
- NaCoSi – Sustainability controlling of the domestic water management
- netWORKS – Transformations in Network Related Infrastructure Sectors
- netWORKS 2 – Transformation Management for a Sustainable Water Infrastructure
- netWORKS 3 – Sustainable concepts for the municipal water sector
- netWORKS 4 – Resilient networks: how urban supply systems contribute to climate justice
- netWORKS 4 – Resilient networks: Contributions of urban supply systems to climate justice (follow-up project)
- Pharmas – Ecological and human health risk assessment of antibiotics and anticancer drugs found in the environment
- PLASTRAT – Reduction of plastic discharges in lakes and running waters
- PlastX – Microplastics in bodies of running water
- Privatisation in the Water Sector
- Stormwater Infiltration in Wiesbaden
- RobustNature – Robustness of Nature-Society Systems in the Anthropocene
- SAUBER+ Innovative concepts for wastewater from public health sector facilities
- Semizentral – Infrastructure systems for cities of the future experiencing rapid growth
- Tracking down micropollutants
- start – Management Strategies for Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water
- Material flows of environmentally relevant chemical substances: product line controlling
- Structural concept for Trinkwasserversorgung Magdeburg
- TransRisk – Pollutants as a risk to the water cycle
- TRAPA India – Transition pathways for solving urban wastewater problems in Indian cities
- Environmental Risks and Pharmaceuticals: The Key Role of Pharmacies
- Water 2050 – Sustainable Innovations for Water Management
- Water Cycle an Urban-Ecological Development
- Conflicts of objectives between the application of medications and environmental protection