Sustainable Society
To make our society sustainable, fundamental changes in consumption practices and supply systems are needed. Central to this endeavor is the question of how lifestyles within realms like mobility, housing, nourishment, and leisure, as well as engagement with green spaces, can evolve toward greater sustainability. Our exploration into the realms of the “Sustainable Society” is firmly rooted in the very fabric of everyday routines that underpin the fulfillment of needs. By “everyday practices,” we denote the ingrained behavioral templates that pervade our society – often governed by habit and largely overlooked in the course of ordinary life. For example, we analyze starting points and potentials, but also obstacles and limitations with regard to a change in CO2-intensive everyday practices in the areas of housing or eco friendly mobility.
- Train station of the future – sustainable mobility hub and a place with quality of stay
- KomKlAn – Status and Progress of Municipal Climate Adaptation in Germany
- Repack-network: sustainable food packaging
- SuPraStadt II – Quality of life, participation and resource conservation through social diffusion of sufficiency practices in urban neighbourhoods
- transform-R – Shaping the energy and mobility transition as a socio-ecological transformation in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main region
- Everyday life in the neighborhood 4.0
- Bio+pro – Target Groups in the Market of Organic Foods
- The Blue Angel – Environmental Communication for Children and Young People
- EcoTopTen - Ecological Product Innovation and Sustainable Consumption
- ENGAGE – Commitment to sustainable public welfare
- Food Change
- EUPOPP - Political Strategies and Tools to Promote Sustainable Consumption
- Gender Mainstreaming in the National Park Eifel
- Hertie-Studie FrankfurtRheinMain
- KlimaAlltag – low carbon lifestyles in the zero emissions city
- Kommunikationskampagnen für nachhaltigen Konsum und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe
- Consumption Styles - Sustainable Consumer Behaviour
- “LebensWert” – Development Management for Maintaining the Quality of Life in small towns Facing Demographic Change
- Modernization of “Blue Angel”
- Demand-driven Life Cycle Management
- NaHa – Sustainable Practices in the Workplace and in Everyday Life
- NaKoDi – Sustainable consumption and social participation
- Ecodesign – ecological design as purchase criterion
- PlaNE – Planetary Health and Sustainable Nutrition
- Social aspects of environmental policy
- Perception and Acceptance of the Ecolabel “Blue Angel”
- Motives of Residential Mobility in Braunschweig
- Knowledge Transfer for Ecological Innovations
- Mobile Living – Innovative Housing and Mobility Services