ISOE combines the organizational principles of a scientific institution with those of a non-profit research enterprise and operates as a non-profit limited liability company. Its scientific work is organized into three Hubs and five Research Units. With this structure, our aim is to consistently achieve scientific innovation and social relevance with in our research topics, methods, approaches, and theoretical-conceptual investigations. ISOE is also dedicated to teaching and training young scientists. The scientists at ISOE receive support from their colleagues in areas such as science coordination, knowledge communication and internal services.
Executive Board
The Executive Board of ISOE consists of Prof. Dr. Flurina Schneider (Scientific Director) and Frank Schindelmann (Administrative Director). Dr. Martina Winker is responsible for quality assurance and acquisitions within the Executive Board. Additionally, she is in charge of strategic consulting. The research units are represented by Dr. Stefan Liehr, Dr. Alexandra Lux and Dr. Immanuel Stieß.
Hubs and Research Units
The Hubs are the central places of ISOE’s basic research.
- Social-Ecological Systems | Head: Dr. Stefan Liehr, Dr. Katja Brinkmann
- Practices and Infrastructures | Head: Dr. Immanuel Stieß, Dr. Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky
- Knowledge Processes and Transformations | Head: Dr. Alexandra Lux, Dr. Johanna Kramm
The shaping and advancement of our research lines takes place in our Research Units.
- Water and Land Use | Head: Dr. Robert Lütkemeier
- Biodiversity and People | Head: Dr. Marion Mehring
- Coupled Infrastructures | Head: Dr. Martin Zimmermann
- Sustainable Society | Head: Dr. Jutta Deffner
- Transdisciplinarity | Head: Dr. Michael Kreß-Ludwig
Associates Board
The members of the associates board see themselves as fiduciary owners and assume responsibility for the long-term continuity of ISOE through decisions regarding its strategic development. They appoint and supervise the executive board and enter into goal agreements with it. They also appoint the scientific advisory board. The associates are:
- Dr. Jutta Deffner (Chair)
- Dr. Konrad Götz
- PD Dr. Diana Hummel
- Dr. Thomas Jahn
- Dr Marion Mehring
- PD Dr. Thomas Kluge
- Dr. Stefan Liehr
- Dr Alexandra Lux
- Frank Schindelmann
- Prof. Dr. Flurina Schneider
- Dr Engelbert Schramm
- Dr. Immanuel Stieß
- Dr.-Ing. Martina Winker
- Dr.-Ing. Martin Zimmermann (Chair)
Scientific Advisory Board
The scientific advisory board advises ISOE on matters of quality assurance and collaboration with other research institutions. Its members support ISOE in further refining its profile as a high-performance transdisciplinary research institute for sustainability research. ISOE’s current scientific advisory board consists of six renowned scientists from various disciplines and research institutions:
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich (Chair)
Institut für Sozialforschung at Frankfurt Goethe-University - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Guido Caniglia
University of Helsinki - Prof. Dr. Peter Chifflard
Philipps-Universität Marburg - Prof. Dr. Christoph Küffer
OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lisen Schultz
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University - Prof. Dr. Annette Spellerberg
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)