Knowledge for sustainable development

ISOE is one of the leading independent institutes for sustainability research. For more than 30 years, we have been developing scientific bases and future oriented concepts for politics, civil society and the economy – regionally, nationally and internationally.


New EU directive obliges companies

Research project supports reporting obligations on biodiversity

Companies can make a significant contribution to the preservation of biological diversity. A new EU directive now requires them to disclose the impacts of their procurement, production and distribution on biodiversity as well as associated risks and opportunities. Headed by ISOE, the research...

In Memoriam

Obituary for ISOE co-founder Prof. Dr. Egon Becker

ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research mourns the loss of Professor Dr. Egon Becker, who passed away on November 15, 2024 at the age of 88. Egon Becker was a co-founder of ISOE, a pioneer in social ecology and worked as a professor of science and higher education research at Goethe...

Social-ecological biodiversity research

How to bend the curve of biodiversity loss? New analytical framework provides answers

Biodiversity loss is considered a global crisis, as species extinction is worldwide impairing ecosystem functions that are also essential for human survival. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPBES is therefore calling for a rapid transformative...

Adapting to climate change

Innovative agricultural production with treated water: first living lab in operation

Regional conflicts over the use of water resources are rather common and will continue to intensify as a result of climate change and the increasing strain on natural water resources. Water-intensive agriculture in particular is dependent on efficient solutions. In the HypoWave+ research project, a...

Sustainable tourism

Solutions for sustainable water supply in booming holiday regions

In many coastal regions of Europe, tourism is an important cornerstone of a prosperous economy. This also applies to the Croatian island of Krk and the surrounding mainland, especially during the summer months. However, it is precisely during this hot and dry period that the local drinking water...

Artistic research

Experience art – appreciate biodiversity? Dance performance on the importance of insects in the city

Insect biodiversity is essential for life on our planet. However, this diversity is acutely threatened by changes in land use. At the same time, we can observe that cities have become places of refuge for insects. The Frankfurt research project “SLInBio” is examining how our lifestyles are linked to...

Ecosystems under climate change

The significance of socio-ecological tipping points for the savannahs of Namibia

Climate change is exacerbating water scarcity, especially in the arid regions of the world. Namibia, with its savannah landscapes, is particularly affected. These ecosystems are among the driest regions in the world and are already threatened by climate change and an increasing pressure from land...

Der Bauerngraben, auch Hungersee genannt, ist ein im Harz gelegener, episodischer See an der Mündung des Glasebachs. Er liegt nahe dem Südharzer Ortsteil Agnesdorf im sachsen-anhaltischen Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz.

Sustainable groundwater management

A district shows the way: How to tackle good groundwater management 

The district of Mansfeld-Südharz in Saxony-Anhalt that is particularly affected by drought and flooding, shows what anticipatory groundwater management could look like. A project group led by the ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research has now produced a pioneering paper on this subject: All...

Environmental risks

Strategic communication on the risks of perpetual chemicals

PFAS – these four letters stand for the controversial group of substances known as perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances. As they are water-, grease- and dirt-repellent, these chemicals are used in numerous everyday products. However, it is precisely because of their properties that...

Landschaft der mongolischen Steppe


Recognizing and avoiding ecological tipping points in the Mongolian steppe

Mongolia has one of the last intact steppe ecosystems with traditional land use and a remarkable biodiversity. The mobility of wild and domestic herd animals plays an important role in the survival of this ecosystem, which is transforming as a result of climate change. However, the nomadic way of...